Posts tagged habits
A Day in the Life of a Wellness Entrepreneur

When you are taking care of others for a living, you have to learn to take the best care of yourself that you can! Before becoming a massage therapist, yoga teacher and entrepreneur, my health was usually on the back burner. I had an active lifestyle, but I wasn't consciously considering how to best care for my body, mind and spirit.

I realized pretty quickly, however, that if I wanted to do this wellness work long term, I was going to have to learn to fill my cup first so that I could keep filling the wellness cup of others! Here's a peek in to my day and how I manage to stay well while holding space for others.

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5 Health Habits That Changed My Life

Have you ever noticed that you don't make many changes to your lifestyle until something BIG happens to your health? Or maybe you find that friend or loved one who helps you motivate to exercise more? As humans, it's not easy to create new habits, especially healthy ones. I've always lived an active lifestyle but it wasn't until I got Lyme disease that I really started making my health a priority. Here are some of the things I did to better my health and start on the road to a more intentional wellness based lifestyle.

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