What Massage Should I Get?-

People ask me all the time what kind of massage I recommend. It’s actually one of the most asked questions about massage on the web. There are so many modalities out there these days it’s hard to know what is best for your needs and situation. I’m going to share my favorite modalities for muscle tension relief, detoxification, injury recovery, stress and more.

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How Developing an Attitude of Gratitude Can Change Everything

The holidays are a time when we often hear the words gratitude and thankfulness. What is gratitude really? By definition, it is the quality of being thankful and a tendency to show appreciation for what one has. Seems so simple when stated as a definition but it is not so easy in application. We live in a stressful world and it can be easy for our brains to latch on to the negative but research has shown that developing a habit of gratitude will make you happier and less stressed. Not only that, it can help children do better in school, create more positive action in a person’s daily life (such as exercising more) and help you thwart your biological adaptations that aren’t so helpful any longer.

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